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Rouge Valley Community College



Vinny's Candid View of the Dynamic People of Rouge Valley Community College 

      As I sit in the main lobby of Rouge Valley Community College, located in downtown Medford, I often take the time to work on my computer. I am a man on a mission with many agendas; all of which are interlinked and will hopefully prove that each of these interlinking agendas will support the structure I am building.

     While I am working on my computer, adding to or tweaking this website, I am hoping to enlist people for their signatures on a few petitions that I can submit on the internet and ultimately our Nation's representatives.

     As I strive towards these ends, I often am overcome with the feeling or imaginings that I am a bit like Jane Goodall or Diane Fossey; a fellow anthropologist observing the social interactions of many of the student primates that hustle and bustle about, striving to find the balance between their studies and social interaction, working feverishly for the credentials that will reward them with the career of their dreams; or at least a well paying satisfying job with which to support current or future families.

     To me there is always something very positive about hanging out at a college; whether as a student or as an interested observer of human interaction. Practically everyone is there because they want to be and often at great cost. Hanging out at colleges for me is heady, intoxicating to the intellect and soul.  Among all of this striving and optimism is an atmosphere of camaraderie; most people at this college seem to go out of their way to show interest and support for each other. Often, I over hear people lamenting a disappointing grade on a tests or feeling exuberant over an A on a paper they had turned in. The common response to these two scenarios I will hear a fellow student commiserate and perhaps give useful advice and for a good grade received invariably someone is there to give a hug and a congratulations on a job well done.

     It is here that the range of people I find to be especially interesting. You see a few sixteen year olds going for their GED or an early high school diploma; and adults as well. One such person is a young man named John. He is tall, big and amiable, personable, skilled more with listening rather than talking. His appearance and manner belies that fact that he is so young. He also possesses a emotional maturity that is disarming and rare in one so young.

     I find the student body politicians to be an especially interesting group.

     There is Teddy, the reigning student body president. Despite some physical limitations, he literally radiates exuberance for life and seems always ready with a quip and a laugh as he zips around. His exuberant nature does not hide from me that he is a person of strong drives and single minded purpose towards his goals - which is to help other people with his chosen field of counseling. Qualities that spring to mind are; Unsinkable, steadfast, loyal and compassionate.

      Next is a really big guy named Jesse. For some reason he reminds me of the actor George Kennedy. Perhaps this is due to his strong physical presence. I am not certain what his role in school politics is, but it is apparent that he has a powerful personality. He is loud, happy, forceful and he seems direct in his dealings with the people in his sphere of influence. I do not know what his career choice is, but it would not surprise me to see him evolve into a community leader.

    A person that I have had the pleasure of meeting recently is Quynton, the newly elected student president.

Quynton is tall, fair-haired, handsome and well groomed. He also seems intelligent, well-educated, articulate, sensitive and a manner that speaks of a deep well of compassion. Many of the students at this school speak highly of him. He has done much to help and counsel others with there problems or worries. He possesses an air of quiet charisma and calmness. When you are in his presence, any stresses or agitation that may have been on the forefront of your mind is quieted and pushed into the back corners of your thoughts.

     Quynton as voiced a desire to do many things. He is interested in Sociology, psychology, counseling and since the rational problem solving part of his intellect loves debate and pursuit of truth, he has toyed with the idea attending law school. I think that he would be ideal as a therapist with a legal degree. Why? Because he seems to have the intelligence and personality much like a therapist friend of mine, who also happens to have studied law.

This therapists loves the fact that he can go into any arbitration, mediation or court of law and skillfully defend his patients as both a Dr. and a lawyer. It will be interesting to see what route in life Quynton will take.

     Another person that I find interesting is a young man named Nathan or Nate. Like me, some people would consider Nate to be vertically challenged. I only say this because we are exactly the same height and I have often been referred to in such a manner. I prefer to see Nate as he actually is. Dark haired, handsome, (The perfect height)

and he moves around in the world with a well-proportion, sinewy tightly knit body that will serve him well as a fire fighter or a paramedic... or some other modern day knight in shining armor.

    He is so ambitious and disciplined, he works full time to pay his way fully as he goes to college full-time. Wow!

     Nate seems to be very sharp, intense, good humored, gregarious and a little edgy...like a person who strives hard to hide their superior intelligence while a strong conflicting desire to interact fully and honestly bubbles at the surface of his psyche. It is as if he struggles with these twin desires as an attempt to keep from overwhelming average people.

     Outside of the circle of school politics is a woman named Shannon who is working to become a Dr. of Chiropractic. She is petite, attractive, reserve, and I sense a strong pragmatic streak intertwined with profound sensitivity. Loyalty, courteous and good-sense are also qualities that come to my mind the few times I have observed her.

      Her friend Poppy is also on an ambitious "Vision Quest" When I see her, I see a complex multi-dimension personality with great intelligence, artistic and creative ability. Much like her friend, she also has a drive to succeed. A trait that most single women in their thirties and older who struggle with the task of raising children on their own can fully appreciate. Poppy's mission is to get her degree in Horticultural science and in my opinion, it is a career that she was born to do. When you see her, you see  an engaging smile, dark hair, dark shining eyes brimming with interest and passion,. She also is well proportioned, athletic - both her body and movements remind me of a feral cat. She seems to either languish about like a cat enjoying the sun, or she is moving about with quickness and grace...not much in between and always her strides are long and confident. She is charismatic and seems to fully enjoy her studies, and her interaction with her school mates, always engaging and well liked. I know her future will prove to be bright.

      Finally, the teachers and administrators of this college. They seem to be a friendly and self-actualized group of people. No doubt their personal achievements and the personal satisfaction they get from mentoring, teaching, and supporting the people in their care have much to do with their manner and the joy that they bring to other people.

     Yes it is encouraging to sit and watch all of these people that show promise and hope; both for themselves and for the communities that they chose to live and work.

    In parting I have one caveat...and that is for them  to beware of distractions. Distractions can diminish or kill outright the loftiest of dreams and the best laid plans. These distractions will come in many forms and the most dangerous of them from sources that usually get under your radar.

   The biggest distraction and time waster can be the people you hang out with, especially after you have graduated and are immersed in a career. Unlike the atmosphere in college, people tend to get too content to only talk about life, or problems or lofty ideals. They content themselves with distractions of the flesh or from useless nonstop entertainment of the mind. The danger for all of us is to get sucked into just hanging out for shits and giggles and fantasize about what we could do without employing action towards these fantasies.

     I see this happen all to often. It was a trap that my former coworkers indulged in and it crippled their ability to live fully, to be truly functional and effective. Ultimately it made them jealous, depressed and bitter.

    Time is of the essences, so use it wisely.


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